- Install composer:
sudo wget --output-document=/usr/local/bin/composer && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer
- Disable XDebug for CLI - optional:
sudo phpdismod -s cli xdebug
- Install Prestissimo - optional:
sudo composer global require "hirak/prestissimo:^0.3"
Create new project for local development¶
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This will build the full structure and create a git repository which you can then use during the full live-cycle of that project.
To install a new site with the included default configuration, use drush site-install config_installer
and you get a jump-start from that.
Deploy project to upstream stages¶
For deployment, both initially and for later updates, follow this:
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Optionally you can also create all the scaffolds by using
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To manually update the theme components, if you're using the lakedrops/theme-d8-sass
package and unintentionally changed one of the core file, then you can always run
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Adding new and updating existing components¶
Edit the composer.json file according to your requirements and then run composer update
Adding JS packages¶
CKEditor Codesnippet¶
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Using Composer to install Drupal packages through