This section shows the synchronization process between the Drupal portal and the Datacore. The Datacore is the master of
the data and we have to care about the reliability of the records, because data can be changed from
different external sources, like REM or a user adds a sub-user in Drupal manually.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122
[-> Datacore: Provide external data
activate Datacore
loop until queue is empty
Datacore -> Drupal: Request to process
activate Drupal
Drupal -> Drupal: Block adding data to queue
Drupal -> Datacore: Process data in queue
return yes
Datacore -> Drupal: Process external data
activate Drupal
Drupal -> Drupal: Process data
Drupal -> Drupal: Release block of queue
return successfull
deactivate Datacore
actor "User" as user
actor "Developer RE" as devel1
actor "Developer Other" as devel2
package Portal {
usecase "Add User" as UC1
usecase "Add Role" as UC2
usecase "Add Groups" as UC3
user --> UC1
user --> UC2
user --> UC3